An article to 100,000 Euros

How a simple article made me become a partner of a great global brand.

When talking about digital marketing, whether in BtoB or BtoC, one comes quickly to speak Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing.

Content / Inbound: what that is?

Simply put, these are marketing approaches that are to try to make visible and to gain the interest of target populations by content rather than buy. It is a change of approach where instead of advertising on radio or television, display, the mailing or telemarketing; let's just work on the site SEO, writing articles blogs, use social networks (particularly via the image: it is called the Picture Marketing) or video.
The idea is to look on the Internet where people you want to touch, listen and analyze what are their expectations, needs and then create enough content relevant to interest. This content can be informative, educational, offbeat, analytical, humorous ... It can take different forms: text, graphics, images, videos, podcasts ... Looking refers to two levels. To be effective, it must obviously interest, inform and entertain those one wants to touch, but at the same time be so interesting, informative, fun and different than those receiving the message has only one desire: the share their networks. Digital marketing is not so much interested that its targets to ensure that they relay the messages to their respective networks by becoming ambassadors of the message sender.
In all my interventions, I define the Inbound Marketing as art and how to make visible those who do not know us and have never heard of us.
The literature on the subject is very large; more podcasts, blog posts, videos or books that white books "classics".

And the return on investment?

The question we always ask when addressing these issues is that of the ROI "Return On Investment". In other words, do the actions taken were the results? Which ones? And how can we measure them?
I share here a personal case of an article published on this site Juicer and whose impact has beenenormous, hence the title above (but in the end, the ROI is probably higher than the stated figure).

An article € 100,000

2 years ago I published the article: "To be visible on LinkedIn have a news approach people". By publishing this article, I knew it would be read. Given a share of a parallel title that may seem surprising between the professional social network of reference and the press people and secondly to the hearing on website Presse Citron, success was predictable. I do not have the number of readings of the article, but there were 184 tweets, 45 likes, 31 '1 "and 183 LinkedIn Share. Totaling more than 400 times on the main social networks.
The number of readings, likes, shares of ... that's fine, but that's not what drives a business. It takes customer benefits.
I published this article on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 Tuesday The next day, I get on LinkedIn and Viadeo, two invitations to the same person. He is in charge of omnichannel digital projects for global brand beverages. In this message it refers to the article and propose to meet him. After a first date, a first mission is validated. Thanks to an article, my agency became a partner of this brand, without competition, without consultation, without long process of selection and bypassing the purchasing department.
This example is not unique. There are some days, an article published on the LinkedIn social selling was behind the call of Commercial Director of another large group. In general, since the creation of my company in 2009, all the clients we work with came only by recommendation (word of mouth ...) or by content posted on a blog or shared on social networks.
Beyond my own case, many companies have tangible returns with this approach. The new marketing approaches: content, inbound, social networks, it works.

What about?

In business, the most frequent question, beyond the ROI covers themes. The answer is quite simple: you are daily in contact with customers who have questions. If these clients ask you questions, others pose.Publish content that provides answers to these questions. Publish content using these terms are used to talk to you.

 Where to publish?

Very often this issue is not addressed in the right way. The questions naturally relate to the tools "should I go on Facebook? "" Should we publish on LinkedIn or Viadeo? ". It does not begin with the tools. It starts with knowing who we want to reach, what we mean, in what format. Then we look at where these people are present that we target and how to get this.

How to start?

Create a conversation can be long and difficult. It may be easier to first take part in an existing conversation. The Anglo-Saxons say, "Fish Where the fish are." Before you launch your blog, you can publish an article directly on LinkedIn, for example, or start by commenting articles shared by others in discussion groups.

What form?

The title and the illustrations are essential. The title is an element to capture attention. However, be careful not to over-promise to disappoint. As mentioned above, think Picture Marketing: images and / or videos. If the images are important, the videos have the advantage that launch automatically on Facebook walls for example.


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